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Meet Joseph
The Kids Kare Fund helped us with medical co-pays following Joseph's surgeries and appointments with specialists.
Meet Layla
We had to travel multiple times a week for appointments. The Kids Kare Fund was able to help us out and give us peace of mind with the cost of transportation.
Meet Maddox
We had to travel weekly for
appointments. The Kids Kare
Fund was able to help us out
and give us peace of mind with
the cost of transportation.
Meet Logan
Logan was in the hospital his third time in 2 months. The gas cards and grocery cards helped our family while Mom was out of work & staying with Logan in the hospital.
Meet Ayden
Ayden had open heart surgery and this program helped us with gas and food cards, as well as costs with the doctor visit afterwards. 
Meet Kyrstyn
Kids Kare Fund has granted us with supplies for Kyrstyn's sensory processing disorder. We can now bring her to the store without her being sensory overloaded, because she can listen to her modulated music. We also got a weighted blanket which had greatly reduced her need for melatonin, making bed time much easier!
Meet Cooper
Kids Kare Fund has granted us gas money to get to and from appointments. We are so thankful for the Kids Kare Fund. We had to drive back and forth to the NICU and now for appointments. Kids Kare Fund helped so much at putting some of the worries at ease. 

More stories to be shared as submitted

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